In January 2023, IER hosted researchers from Leiden University, the Netherlands.

IER hosted Assistant Professor Andrea Bartolucci and Tutor Jake Wright, both specializing in crisis and safety management, from January 20 to 26, 2023, under an academic exchange agreement with the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, at Leiden University, the Netherlands. ISGA has established a master’s course “Case Study Fukushima” to study the Fukushima disaster and nuclear accident from multiple perspectives, and two IER faculty members provided online lectures last March.

The purpose of this visit was to learn about the earthquake and nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima and its reconstruction in order to expand and improve the above educational program. We visited archival facilities of the disaster and local governments.

On January 21 and 22, we participated in a forum, and at a talk session titled “Passing on Fukushima’s Experience,” we heard firsthand from people who have been working to pass on their experiences about the difficulties they faced at the time of the earthquake and the efforts they are making for the future. On the following day, we visited Joban Coalfield Heritage, the Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum, and Archive Museum of Tomioka, where they observed firsthand a variety of archival materials.

From January 23 to 25, we visited the TEPCO Decommissioning Archive Center, the Interim Storage Facility Information Center, and Namie Town Ukedo Elementary School (Remains of the Great East Japan Earthquake), etc. We also visited the municipalities of Tomioka, Okuma, and Namie to hear in detail from their officials about the situation at the time of the earthquake and accident, evacuation and return, reconstruction policies in each town, etc. In Tomioka Town and Okuma Town, we also heard from community development organizations about their efforts to facilitate the return and migration of residents. We also visited a former Futaba Town resident who evacuated to Koriyama City and plan to return home, as well as former Namie Town residents who evacuated to Fukushima City, to hear their thoughts on the challenges they face in returning to their homes.

On 26 January, we visited Koriyama City, which has long-standing ties with the Netherlands, and heard an explanation about Koriyama City’s recovery measures from the nuclear disaster and its relationship with the Netherlands. When the Leiden University researchers asked questions about future policies, Mayor Shinagawa responded with various examples.

The two researchers from Leiden University said that they would like to reflect what they have learned from their visit to Fukushima in their educational program and share it with their students. IER would like to promote inter-disciplinary cooperation in research and educational activities with Leiden University, which has a rich international educational network and programs, with a view to student exchange in the future.

Interviewed local governments in Hamadori about the situation at the time of the earthquake and their reconstruction efforts (photo: Okuma Town).
Talked with evacuees.
Mayor Shinagawa of Koriyama City explaining reconstruction efforts