The 5th Annual Symposium
We held 5th IER Annual Symposium at CORASSE.
Here we provide the slide dates on Symposium session on March 15.
Please note and understand that you can get the a parts of the whole data which is permmitted to be shown by presenters.
Contribution to the recovery of Fukushima through the risk evaluation and communication: linkage with environment and society | Noboru Takamura (Professor, Nagasaki University/Vice Director, IER) | Download |
What is happening to radioactivity in the environment of the Fukushima exclusion zone? | Alexei Konoplev (Professer, IER) | Download |
Current status of radioactive contamination of fish near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant: toward the restoration of Fukushima’s coastal and inland water fisheries | Toshihiro Wada (Associate professer, IER) | |
Activity concentrations of radiocaesium in environmental samples collected from evacuated areas and internal radiation dose | Hirofumi Tsukada (Director, IER) | Download |