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Master's Program

The Major in Environmental Radioactivity (Master's Program) consists of three fields: ecology, modeling and measurement, with each field offering educational and research opportunities (outlined below). We seek students who are interested in any of these fields, and find their chosen field to be a good fit for themselves.

Major in Environmental Radioactivity 


Based on research in ecology, biology, and radioecological field arising from them, this field develops professional knowledge, expertise, and skills; the ability to use practical knowledge and solve problems; and the attitude to understand phenomena from multifaceted perspectives.


Yasunori Igarashi

Yasunori Igarashi

Project Lecturer Forest hydrology

Hiroko Ishiniwa

Hiroko Ishiniwa

Project Lecturer Molecular Ecology, Ecotoxicology

Vasyl Yoschenko

Vasyl Yoschenko

Professor Forest radioecology, radiation effects, dosimetry

Shingo Kaneko

Shingo Kaneko

Associate Professor Molecular Ecology, Conservation Genetics, Conservation Ecology

Kenji Nanba

Kenji Nanba

Professor Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Ecology

Toshihiro Wada

Toshihiro Wada

Associate Professor Aquatic radioecology, Fishery biology and ecology
Adjunctive Researchers (Main affiliation: Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science)


Based on research in geoscience, mathematical modeling, and radioactive modeling field arising from them, this field develops professional knowledge, expertise, and skills; the ability to use practical knowledge and solve problems; and the attitude to understand phenomena from multifaceted perspectives.


Aleksei Konoplev

Aleksei Konoplev

Project Professor Environmental chemistry, Radiochemistry, Radioecology, Fate and transport of contaminants

Seiki Kawagoe

Seiki Kawagoe

Professor Natural Disaster Scinence, Hydraulic Engineering, Hydrology

Naoaki Shibasaki

Naoaki Shibasaki

Professor Hydrogeology, Groundwater Basin Management, Applied Geology

Hyoe Takata

Hyoe Takata

Project Associate Professor Marine chemistry, chemical oceanography, marine environmental radioactivity

Shigekazu Hirao

Shigekazu Hirao

Associate Professor Environmental Radioactivity

Yoshiyuki Yokoo

Yoshiyuki Yokoo

Professor Watershed Hydrology, Water Resource Engineering, RiverEngineering

Yoshifumi Wakiyama

Yoshifumi Wakiyama

Associate Professor Hydrogeomorphology
Adjunctive Researchers (Main affiliation: Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science)


Based on research in chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering, and radioactivity measurement field arising from them, this field develops professional knowledge, expertise, and skills; the ability to use practical knowledge and solve problems; and the attitude to understand phenomena from multifaceted perspectives.


Ismail Md. Mofizur Rahman

Ismail Md. Mofizur Rahman

Assotiate Professor Radiochemistry, Environmental remediation, Waste management

Yoshitaka Takagai

Yoshitaka Takagai

Professor Analytical Chemistry

Takayuki Takahashi

Takayuki Takahashi

Professor Robotics, Control Engineering

Hirofumi Tsukada

Hirofumi Tsukada

Professor Environmental Radioecology

Tatsuo Torii

Tatsuo Torii

Project Professor Radiation Metrology

Katsuhiko Yamaguchi

Katsuhiko Yamaguchi

Professor Solid State Physics
Adjunctive Researchers (Main affiliation: Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science)